
Mike Beatty and his team take a "boots on the ground" approach in the vineyard, always adhering to the most natural practices available. This approach brings them out to the vineyard every single day, to watch and listen to the vines. In fact, each vine will be individually visited numerous times throughout the year, with the dedication and care one would give a rose garden. A cover crop is planted just after harvest with that adds nitrogen and other organic elements to keep the soil aerated and fertile. In addition, part of the vineyard is dry-farmed that is made possible by the red clay soil which maintains moisture from the winter rains and nurtures the vines during the dry growing season.  The soil is monitored regularly to ensure the most effective management techniques are used to minimize any additions, such as a leaf spray using kelp and other plant food trace minerals. With these practices, Beatty Ranch strives to always be conscious of the impact on the surrounding environment, minimizing their footprint in any way possible.